
Thursday, 25 June 2015

Mood Bracelet Meaning of Colours

Meaning of Colour Bracelet

it's a fact that colour forms part of the way we feel, read the psychology behind the mood colour  bracelet and the effect on our feelings.

Mood Bracelet Colour Meaning

Colours often have different meanings in various cultures, but the affect everyone has to specific colours are almost the same. Just by changing colour of clothes, or jewellery such as mood colour bracelets, you psychologically contribute to engaging change to your mood swing.
Different colours have an effect on everyone.
Natural Dopamine feel good hormone is released by the body when:-
  • Eating spicy, hot, icy, crispy foods
  • Eating/drinking sugary foods that boost energy instantly: sugars, chocolate, coffee
  • Thirsty Quench for water
  • Looking at attractive colours
  • Exercising different exercises boost your mood

Red the colour red is hot vibrant and full of life. It has a range of meanings from love of passion to fiery anger, it is intense and passionate, the colour genre ranges of red are:-

Orange an energetic colour and is represented by such attributes emotions such as creativity, preservation, regeneration, abundance, affection, warmth and sensuality, the colour genre ranges of orange are:-

Yellow represents the intelligence and as such is the centre of our being. Qualities of this spiritual mood are power, optimism, idealism, hope and charisma, the colour genre ranges of yellow are:-

Green is the Mother Nature colour, an emotionally positive colour, balance and harmony of emotions, makes this colour the quality character for love, re-birth, communication and nature, the colour genre ranges of green are:-

Blue Peace and tranquillity describes the Blue just like the calmness of the deep blue sea, there is a spiritual calmness about this colour and it’s soothing and symbolic of trust and harmony, the colour genre ranges of blue are:-

Purple  has historically been associated to royalty, wealth and status.It also represents ceremony, spirituality, sacred wisdom and spiritual enlightenment, the colour bracelet when worn can be adorned in a different shade genre range of purple:-

Silver and the moon have an infinite connection to this colour, infused with a female energy, as denoted by various occult beliefs as feminine, mysterious and magical the meaning of silver is that of intuition, introspection and imagination, spiritual enigma, balancing of the emotions. Like the moon whose energy controls the rhythm of ocean tides, it has a soothing, calming effect. If silver is your colour then imagination and creativity is a trait of this colour, particularly in expressing yourself in writing and making speeches,the mood colour bracelet reveals the colour genre ranges of blue are:-

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