
Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Style and Fashion Wearing a Mini Skirt


Mini Skirts and Mini Dresses

1.A-Line skirt
2.pencil skirt skirt
4.micro mini skirt
5.maxi skirt

Alot is said that wearing miniskirts and their lengths is related to the age you are as to whether you look good or bad in them, you can’t put age on fashion, the media drum up surveys and decide that a section of supposed people have voted that women over the certain age should not wear miniskirts as it’s immoral. If women are confidant and feel happy to wear it, then the question is answered to the critics out there.

With all clothes, it's about wearing the clothes according to your body shape is what it's all about, make no bones about it, you still can be very young and still not have the shape to carry off wearing a mini or micro mini skirt.

It's knowing the balance of your body shape and dressing accordingly to show off your best attributes. Alot of times women get it right anyway.

But with a little subtlety, you can carry it off, such as wearing midi skirt; by wearing a skirt length just over the knees will accentuate your leg length especially if you are not confident with exposing your knees. If you have the calves shape them with a pencil skirt

A mini-skirt hemline is well above the knees no longer than 10 cm (4 in) below the buttocks

A mini dress is a dress with the same hemline as the mini skirt

A micro-mini skirt or micro skirt hemline is at the upper thigh level or just below crotch level.

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Etsy are Allowing Mass Manufacturers to set up shop vs Handcraft Artisans

Since July 2005, Etsy was founded and is a peer-to-peer e-commerce website focused on handmade or vintage items and supplies, as well as unique factory-manufactured items. 

These items cover a wide range, including art, photography, clothing, jewellery, food, bath and beauty products, quilts, knick-knacks, and toys. Many sellers also sell craft supplies such as beads, wire and jewellery-making tools. 

All vintage items must be at least 20 years old. The site follows in the tradition of open craft fairs, giving sellers personal store fronts to showcase and sell their products.
For the past 2 or 3 years Etsy has been toying around changing the principle word of Handmade, by trying to sell the idea to prospective art craft people that they need to re-define the meaning of this to try and accommodate a bigger market share by bringing in the big money pocket manufacturers. 

We all know how the wheel was built; trying to convince re-making the wheel by justifying working methods of the past is to my thinking a little lame.
We are finding more and more that pressure is being applied to companies that need to fulfil the company boards pockets every year as the market share from other competitive companies get more popular. 

There has been a great increase year by year of long standing online store holders of Etsy deciding to up-sticks and leave, due to the increasing take over in the most popular Handmade Item store online by manufacturers (Asia Companies), flooding the stores with items that have been mass produced and holding superior stock holdings to slowly take over the store front and to force out the Handmade craft artists.

I would like to advocate for the Handmade Designer Jewellery artists out there because for what they are doing it's amazing and they deserve a higher platform to showcase their work for everyone to see. 

Yes Etsy has been a great advocate for the handmade artisans, for the past few years, but I'm afraid they are turning to the bigger conglomerate and discarding the principle that they began their platform and abandoning the handmade fraternity.

It’s very strange, but many people may rebuff my comments, but why is it that the likes of Amazon have recently started to create a separate Market Place on their site dedicated to TRUE Handicraft artists.



Thursday, 16 July 2015

Fashionista the Beginning


Photographers Fashion Editors, Art Directors, Make-up Artists/ Hair stylists, Fashion Assistants, and Models

Trying to define what fashionista means is like getting lost in the forest and not seeing the woods for the trees. Versions of the definitions vary from:
"A person devoted to fashion clothing particularly unique or high fashion"
"A person not to be called a fashionista would be someone who obsessively follows trends"
Then there are other variations that sound out to the understanding of the fashion world,
"Real fashionista do not believe in trends, that type of person would be more correctly labelled a fashion whore, one that criticises everything they consider to be out of style or tack in their own eyes of judgement.
What is your definition of a fashionista? I know there will be an urban dictionary definition or Wikipedia, but what is your interpretation you should be asking yourself?

Fashion Terms
- Fashion terms of the 60's at its height

Way out - Something so far out there, it's almost unbelievable
Far out - Cool
Groovy - very pleasing, wonderful
Hip / with it - Aware of what's going on Knowledgeable." I'm hip to what's happening."  Something cool or groovy, "Those are the hippest love beads I've ever seen!"
Before that what Granny would have called it "the very latest thing my deer"

Modern Day Fashion Terms

Fashion - the currently accepted, prevailing style. (Vogue is defined the same way.)
Fad - a fashion that suddenly bursts into popularity
Style - a characteristic or distinctive form of dress that exists independent of fashion (hippie, Gothic, cowboy)
Classic - a fashion that retains general acceptance over an extended period of time
Design - a specific version of a style
Avant-garde - ahead of its time, comes straight off the runway
So where is this taking us? I have tried countless paths and felt I was travelling on a roundabout, finishing right back where I started. I did find another definition which gave a better clue as to what fashionista means.
A fashionista is a complimentary term used to describe an avid follower of fashion one working in or deeply involved with the high-fashion industry ( haute-couture - the creation of exclusive fashions), such as a fashion designer, fashion model, photographer, buyer, fashion writer, or wearer; a devotee to clothing trends and fashion.
So where is this taking us you might ask? Taking a trip back in time, the sixties was baptised as the period of Popular Arts (Pop Arts), which encapsulated great change in society due to the aftermath of the second world war, deprivation, shortage of material, textiles, housing shortages, the start of another war Vietnam and all the upheavals  that transcended the events of this period.

Such a great change, whether induced by war or natural change in society, there is always a visual record of this change, depicted perfectly by abstract art expression artists such as Mark Rothko and Andy Warhol. Both these artists revealed their images of breaking away from conformist classical ideals in a time when great change was upon us.

Change is always the title for wondrous things to happen in a period of great happenings. The sixties brought to us the evolution of change, Pop arts were the conduit, and the result of recording this was through Art, Music and Fashion. Inspirational people sparked great change as seen in the music industry of the sixties, youthful, energetic and cult like. 

Changes in fashion also sent out  a message of self expression, signalling an innovative representative, who broke the shackles of proper and prim attitudes of the 50's and brought forth the concept of thinking "out of the box" to the shock & horror of the traditionalists. 

Unfortunately though alongside these changes, you will always have consumerism fitting such individualistic attitudes and ideas into a pigeon slot and re-market it as a fashion style, a trend, a fad, and so on, until it's watered down to non-existence. The most powerful thing a fashionista does, is to drop an innovative idea like a bomb exploding its concept into the arena of the fashion world and to watch its rippling reaction spread with great cause and effect into the world of fashion.

Seeing people rushing around like, "leaves blowing in the wind" trying to encapsulate the latest fad, surprised by the reaction and the full force of something new being unfolded before their very eyes. The late seventies, eighties and nineties all had the same effect on people from the many ingenious innovators of the world of fashion. New music genres created by vocalist and bands. Paint artists taking the level of expression to new heights, with every passing year.

In its essence being a libertine in an already conforming society, needs one to change, to show what an eye for fashion is, to show the finer intricate designed detail, created in one's own image. To see what no other person can seen, to create an idea out of what is already available. But most of all to keep alive counter-culture fashion and idealism of self expression alive, because in the end it's all about attraction!

To coin a phrase "Fashionista" by Stephen Fried

To end this debate, I discovered the true owner of the birth name of Fashionista; his name Stephen Fried is an award-winning investigative journalist and essayist.
When Fried first used the tern fashionista on page 100 of his 1993 book Thing of Beauty: The Tragedy of Supermodel Gia Carangi, he was referring to a specific group of fashion insiders - a.k.a. the 'non-famous people of Studio 54.
'I got tired of listing photographers, fashion editors, art directors, hairstylists, make-up artists, all their assistants, and models as the small army of people who descended on the scene,' Fried explained.
From that moment on as I mentioned previously, he dropped a proverbial pebble in the sea of the fashion world and created a monster of epic proportion.

Unknown at the time, he put in motion the wheels of the fashion world hierarchy as such the Fashion Councils to move quickly to own the outcome of defining the word Fashionista as it is know today. But the real originator should be credited its entirety form as knowing the real definition of the true fashion world entourage.

Official definition from the Fashion Council

The official definition of 'fashionista' reads ’a person employed in the creation or promotion of high fashion, such as a designer, photographer, model, fashion writer, etc. Also: a devotee of the fashion industry; a wearer of high-fashion clothing.'  

Read more about the broader spectrum of what's happening in fashion industry Fashionista Online Magazine

Thursday, 25 June 2015

Mood Bracelet Meaning of Colours

Meaning of Colour Bracelet

it's a fact that colour forms part of the way we feel, read the psychology behind the mood colour  bracelet and the effect on our feelings.

Mood Bracelet Colour Meaning

Colours often have different meanings in various cultures, but the affect everyone has to specific colours are almost the same. Just by changing colour of clothes, or jewellery such as mood colour bracelets, you psychologically contribute to engaging change to your mood swing.
Different colours have an effect on everyone.
Natural Dopamine feel good hormone is released by the body when:-
  • Eating spicy, hot, icy, crispy foods
  • Eating/drinking sugary foods that boost energy instantly: sugars, chocolate, coffee
  • Thirsty Quench for water
  • Looking at attractive colours
  • Exercising different exercises boost your mood

Red the colour red is hot vibrant and full of life. It has a range of meanings from love of passion to fiery anger, it is intense and passionate, the colour genre ranges of red are:-

Orange an energetic colour and is represented by such attributes emotions such as creativity, preservation, regeneration, abundance, affection, warmth and sensuality, the colour genre ranges of orange are:-

Yellow represents the intelligence and as such is the centre of our being. Qualities of this spiritual mood are power, optimism, idealism, hope and charisma, the colour genre ranges of yellow are:-

Green is the Mother Nature colour, an emotionally positive colour, balance and harmony of emotions, makes this colour the quality character for love, re-birth, communication and nature, the colour genre ranges of green are:-

Blue Peace and tranquillity describes the Blue just like the calmness of the deep blue sea, there is a spiritual calmness about this colour and it’s soothing and symbolic of trust and harmony, the colour genre ranges of blue are:-

Purple  has historically been associated to royalty, wealth and status.It also represents ceremony, spirituality, sacred wisdom and spiritual enlightenment, the colour bracelet when worn can be adorned in a different shade genre range of purple:-

Silver and the moon have an infinite connection to this colour, infused with a female energy, as denoted by various occult beliefs as feminine, mysterious and magical the meaning of silver is that of intuition, introspection and imagination, spiritual enigma, balancing of the emotions. Like the moon whose energy controls the rhythm of ocean tides, it has a soothing, calming effect. If silver is your colour then imagination and creativity is a trait of this colour, particularly in expressing yourself in writing and making speeches,the mood colour bracelet reveals the colour genre ranges of blue are:-


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