
Thursday, 30 August 2012

Health & Wealth of Gemstones

For thousands of years gemstones have played a part in all cultures through the highest orders of religion and Egyptian Pharaohs which in both cases have been well documented. The Egyptian High Priests believed in using gemstones to generate the properties of certain crystals to amplify the power within to a higher level. The Gemstone crystals most used in ancient Egypt was Carnelian, lapis lazuli, turquoise, emerald and clear quartz.

This can be seen within the Jewish religion where in the Old Testament where Moses was ordered to create a breastplate (ephod), to be worn by a chosen high priest, in which within the ephod specially held gemstones to represent each of the houses of Israel. It was thought that God would communicate via his judgement through these stones to denote his instruction of orders to the children of Israel.

Thousands of years ago cultures such as the Egyptians and the Chinese long knew about the healing power properties of the gemstone crystals. Because of the secret knowledge of the use of the crystals, those that knew the practice were deemed very powerful and likes of the highest orders of religion and royalty knew this and as such ensured that they were kept close and the use of this practice made available to the rich and powerful.
Such examples of this practice are well known even to this very day:-

Chinese Acupuncture using crystal needles   
Pranic healing no-touch energy healing

Ayurveda, Hinduism and Buddhism origin, using the art of Chakra to obtain the body and mind spiritual balance of life

The Mayans, Incas and native Indians also shared in the power of quartz crystals for healing on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. They also used crystals to diagnose diseases.

Most Gemstones are very old, sometimes millions and or billions of years old and have endured varying kind of miraculous traumatic force of nature, that was necessary to create them, such as earth quakes. For this reason gemstones are very powerful and by wearing them we can be near that power.
Learning more about gemstones and their properties, symbology and meanings can enhance our lives.
Healing Gemstones are spoken and described by many, but I have mentioned the most popular and the most powerful from centuries of old, scientific and religious.

Lapis lazuli - strengthens the immune system, also purifies blood, lowers blood pressure, cooling and soothing inflammation relief

Turquoise - aids in the absorption of nutrients, strengthens the immune system, aids the regeneration of tissue, and heals the whole body
Carnelian - Carnelian treats lower back problems, rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia and depression.

Emerald - Emerald helps in such disorders of the body major organs such as the heart, lungs and also the lumbar and muscular system, also helps in the healing of nose, eyes conditions and also aids recovery after an infectious disease.
Quartz crystals - Crystal can give physical help in treating vertigo ( it's widely understood to be the sensation that you, or the environment around you, is moving), chronic fatigue stands for chronic fatigue syndrome, long term tiredness, accompanied with two or more symptoms, such as headaches, joint pains. Chronic means persistent or long-term

Chrysolite (Peridot) - Peridot (Also known as) strengthens the immune system, metabolism and benefits the skin. It aids disorders of the heart, thymus, lungs, gallbladder, spleen and intestinal tract.
Topaz - It fortifies the nerves and stimulates the metabolism, helps to restore loss of appetite, healing of wounds and skin eruptions, gall bladder and the endocrine glands

Malachite - helps to lower blood pressure, treats asthma, arthritis and epilepsy. Of the body it aids fractures, swollen joints, travel sickness, vertigo, tumours, the eyes optic nerve, body organs such as the pancreas, spleen and the parathyroid.
Amethyst - helps to strengthen the will by overcoming the withdrawal symptoms of any of addiction syndrome, also help with headaches, sleeping disorder insomnia, arthritis, diabetes, pain relief and circulatory system issues

Hematite - It is said to aid in the improvement of blood flow, relaxes the feeling of tension and the pain of certain diseases, heals blood disorders and damaged body tissue
Jade - aids the body’s filtration and elimination organs by detoxifying and rebuilding itself. It is excellent for treating kidney problems and adrenal glands. The reproductive system, it helps in fertility and childbirth.

Garnet - treats spine Injuries and disorders of the spine, spinal fluid, spinal column, structure and composition. It purifies the major organs such as the heart and lungs. Garnet can also boosts the body’s immune system and lift the body energy levels.

Gemstones have been a sacred and meaningful to mankind since its discovery. Even as early as the time of the caveman, they picked up on these interesting stones and wore them as part of their tribal wear. There is something mysterious, so interesting that these stones provide us with a sense of power and that reason we are intensely attracted by them. We have highlighted the most popular and the most talked about gemstone crystals mentioned most amongst the religious and ancient cults and tribes throughout the century of time.

Monday, 27 August 2012

I want to look like Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

We decided to do a project on behalf of my wife’s niece, who had raised a quest that she wants to be a model!
She is 16 and has seen her mother as well as her Aunty Produce garments  that are simply not on the high street and have been created and produced in house.
We began our quest by creating a storyboard and based her wishful end product on the celebrity that we thought that she looked similar too!
This celebrity is  Rosie Huntington-Whitley
Well one can draw a breadth of optimism but this was a fashion project that we were going to wilt too!
The images enclosed are a summary of our final outlook to our own version of the most likely celebrity to favour our own little model Nicolette.

Photo Shoot Photos
Story Board

                                                       Compare and Contrast

In the end we were able to show our Niece how beautiful one can become whether you want to look like Rosie Huntley-Whitley or not, the outfit we designed and created did the rest!

About Us

SOVA Collection is a new concept to the world of fashion.

SOVA Collection started with a vision: to change the way a fashion house works, by bringing greater accessibility to individual design and production for occasional wear.

Founded by Kevin Thomas and his wife, considerable effort was placed into creating a key influencer network in fashion from all over the world. The best designs, patterns, materials and production technologies.

In bringing this to design, spectacular outfits began to emerge that combined the style, colour and varied materials in new ways that could only elicit desire and admiration from everyone.

But there was one other key element that finally led to the creation of SOVA Collection and that was the process by which these unique one off outfits were created. And that was the wearer.

To make the designs work, it had to be created with the wearer of the outfit at the very heart of the design process.

Over time, this process has been refined to a point where now almost anyone can become part of the SOVA Collection.

Working with your own design team, SOVA Collection will match the outfit to the event, create a design that tells the story you wish to tell and use materials from all over the world, all combined in an innovative way to ensure maximum comfort and practicality as well as looking spectacular. We call this fusion fashion, uniquely combining the event, your story and your feelings to create amazing results.

Because the wearer is fused to the design, each design can only be for them and no-one else.

But beware some outfits can be extraordinary and wearing them can be a real statement in its own right.

By being part of the SOVA Collection our fusion fashion will take you to a new level. Let them roll out the red carpet.


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